Schweizerische Vereinigung für Kleintiermedizin
Association Suisse pour la Médecine des petits Animaux
Associazione Svizzera per la Medicina dei Piccoli Animali
Swiss Association for Small Animal Medicine

Vets helping vets & animals: Contacts and information in respect to the situation in Ukraine

25. März 2022

Dear Colleagues,

We are all in shock with what is currently happening. It is heartwarming to see how many contacted FECAVA and FVE in the last couple of days to offer help to our veterinary colleagues, their families and animal owners involved in the conflict.

For this reason, FECAVA, together with FVE and many others, has in the last days been working very hard to try to compile and coordinate information. Many calls/meetings were held with countries and organizations involved. We also are in close contact with our colleagues from Ukraine and Russia. It is amazing and wonderful to see the many initiatives vets are taking to support colleagues and animals.

Hereby you can find in the attached document an overview of contact points, import requirements, needs and charities we so far collected. If you have more information from your country, do not hesitate to add it. If you see anything incorrectly, also please contact us. We request you to keep this document internal for now, we are currently creating a website hub which will show this information in a much more accessible and easy to read/find format. Bear with us on this one.

Hereby you can find in the attached document an overview of contact points, import requirements, needs and charities we so far collected. If you have more information from your country, do not hesitate to add it. If you see anything incorrectly, also please contact us. We request you to keep this document internal for now, we are currently creating a website hub which will show this information in a much more accessible and easy to read/find format. Bear with us on this one.

Hereafter a message from our FECAVA director Natalia, who is doing a great job and constantly liaising with us:

Dear colleagues,

We really appreciate your help and quick response!

We are grateful for the prompt decision of the European veterinary Commission regarding refugee animals. It has no doubt saved thousands of lives!

We are grateful to our closest neighbours from Poland, who extended a helping hand on all fronts. We are grateful to our colleagues from the Baltic States for their big hearts and willingness to help. We are very grateful to the responding colleagues from Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia and Ireland. We have begun to make a list of colleagues who are ready to help, but we are sure that in stress we have missed many who have already written. I kindly ask you to write to Natalia Ignatenko contact and country if you are not on this list. The list is attached below. We carry everyone in it and publish it on the USAVA page.

If in every country you allow refugees to provide first aid to their animals and you need measures to legalize the phones and websites of the association, to coordinate people on the ground, this would help us a lot.

We wrote to the Hills company, we really hope that they will be able to transfer help to us through colleagues from the Czech Republic or Slovakia.

The Jozera company has food in warehouses, if  somebody could pay for them, I would send targeted information to shelters. Every day my information becomes outdated. Tonight a shell hit one of the Kiyv shelters. Other shelters don’t respond, Some can’t leave. I ask you to pick up those who can leave. The Optimil company promised to answer.

We are very grateful to the transport from Lithuania, which carries three minibuses with food to the border.

But in Kyiv, a large number of animals remain in shelters that cannot leave. We are trying to compile lists of those shelters that need help. We will be grateful for financial donations. We leave the details below.

Sample payment order in favor of clients
Joint Stock SIBAN „Pivdenny“ in EUR & USD.
Beneficiary Name of the beneficiary: Ukrainian Small Animal Veterinary Association
Address of the beneficiary: Genuezska str.24 a, Odessa, 65009, Ukraine
Account UA173282090000026008010048132

Thanks a lot for your help!

Ulrike Tewes
Office Manager

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